If A Child, Why Not A Cosmos?

If A Child, Why Not A Cosmos?

ISBN: 1-4259-4295-4

If Child, Why Not a Cosmos? is a collection of lovesongs, by many others in addition to the author, to the wonders of Earth and evolution. 233 pages.

Be Not Afraid

The universe is not out to get me.
It's not, like a stern schoolmaster or a harsh judge,
out to test me either.
It simply wants to use me,
push me to my potential,
pour its evolutionary legacy into the consciousness of me
that I may lend it eyes, ears, hands, heart that sings,
voice that rings!
"Be not afraid of the universe" goes an Eskimo shaman's prayer
echoing Buddha and Jesus.

On Expanding Our Notion of Scriptures

Humanists don't go deep enough or see far enough
which inclines them to grandiosity towards
and therefore devaluation of
the rest of creation
which is why they imperil the Earth.
But beware religionists even more
justifying favored status by scriptures presumed inspired,
inclined thereby to disdain Earth's here for heaven's hereafter.
When are we going to pore with equal reverence
over sacred pages of Chapter Earth in Book of Universe?
How propelled past awe to worship
should be beneficiaries of natural scriptures
millions of species and billions of years in the inspired evolving.

Holy, Holy, Holy

Creationists can be strident enough to put evolutionists on the defensive
until the latter remember the advancing cosmos
that science has been singing as it learns
and that religion at last is learning to sing.
For creation to be continuing,
God to be evolving the world over the sacrament of time
from the inside out,
hardly points to less power and glory,
hardly calls for less awe and worship,
than creation long ago over and done with.
See God, Tao, Emptiness-Birthing-Plenitude, or the Great Mysterious
as creating from a mustard seed a cosmos on the rise!

Reading Eiseley, Discovering Me

I’ve a pet theory that what outside you you’re drawn to
corresponds to what’s deepest within you,
that writers, for instance, who most speak to you
articulate either who you consciously most are
or unconsciously most want to be.
For months now I’ve been enamored of Loren Eiseley,
mused over one after another of his books with spirit rising, soul deepening.
I wouldn’t so much say he instructs me as confirms me,
shows me how vastly I cherish solitude,
prefer mystery,
value continuity,
bow in awe before time,
cheer evolution,
quest God,
love the living Earth.
Such pleasure to follow my bliss,
to read Eiseley and discover me!

Price / Ea.


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